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The Park View Learner Award

In the autumn term of 2016, the Park View Learner Award was launched. The award will continue to develop pupils’ learning behaviours and will reward them for displaying our six qualities in all aspects of school life. We are really excited about our Park View Learner Award and know that children will share our enthusiasm.


A Park View learner is:


  • Respectful
  • Resilient
  • Cooperative
  • Open-minded
  • Reflective
  • Tolerant


Our six learning qualities:


Respect – children will respect each other and be thoughtful, caring and considerate. They will understand the impact of their actions on others and realize that respect leads to self-confidence and high self-esteem. They will show respect to their belongings and environment.


Tolerance – children will show tolerance towards others, understanding that everyone has differing views and beliefs. They will learn to accept others, regardless of people’s beliefs.


Reflection – children will be able to reflect on their actions and learning and think about how they may do things differently next time.


Open-mindedness – children are able to ask questions, investigate and explore new things. They have a growing mindset and thrive on learning and taking part in new experiences.


Cooperation – children will be able to collaborate and communicate effectively with others and take joint responsibility for their actions.


Resilience – when children come across a difficulty they will show the ability to bounce back. They will be able to cope when things do not go as they planned or had hoped for. When things are challenging, they are able to persevere in order to look for a solution.


How it works

  • Each child will have a personalised ‘Park View Learner’ target board displayed in their classroom.
  • For every quality there are three targets to work towards, one is for the playground.
  • The children choose a target they want to work on.
  • The children need to demonstrate the learning behaviour consistently.
  • When the child’s teacher thinks they have achieved the target, they will choose another one.


Bronze Award

When the children have consistently demonstrated all 18 of the behaviour qualities, they will receive a bronze Park View Learner badge to wear on their uniform and a certificate in assembly.


Silver Award

To earn their silver badge, children will need to continue to demonstrate all the targets. They will need to support and model the behaviours to other children in their class. They will need to demonstrate the 6 qualities when working as a learning partner in class.


Gold Award

To earn their gold badge, children will still need to continue to demonstrate all the targets. They will need to model and encourage others around the school and to the wider school community.


When children move into the next year group, they will continue to work towards achieving any outstanding learning behaviour targets from the previous year.
