Resourced Provision for Deaf Children
Welcome to Park View Primary School Resourced Provision for Deaf Children
At Park View we have a specialist provision for deaf children. The Resourced Provision aims to support the children in accessing the mainstream curriculum and developing communication skills through a variety of communication modes depending on the child’s needs (please see our Communication Policy). We want the children to be happy, confident and independent members of the school community with a strong sense of identity. Our provision is able to provide support from Nursery until Year Six and is housed in a purpose built acoustically treated room within the mainstream school building.
Each deaf child is part of a mainstream class and they take a full part in school life. They are supported by Communication Support Assistants (who use Sign Language to interpret) or Learning Support Assistants (if this is required on their EHCP) in the classroom and during activities such as assemblies, choir, performances and on school trips. The staff have annual training in Deaf Awareness as well as the ongoing support of a school Teacher of the Deaf. Sign Language is seen throughout the school, is included in notices and displays and mainstream children are able to learn basic signs to help communicate with their deaf peers. BSL is taught to all children as a school language lesson in Key Stage Two. The deaf children also have the opportunity to work once a week with our Deaf Instructor who leads activities to develop their Deaf identity, sign language skills and other key aspects such as familiarity with their equipment. There are also opportunities to meet with other deaf children from local resourced provisions on occasions through the year.
When the children arrive at school in the morning, checks of their amplification systems are carried out before they register with their mainstream classes. Many of the children also benefit from the use of a personal radio aid.
The children have daily access to a Teacher of the Deaf and are withdrawn to the Resourced Provision to work in a very quiet environment at different points during the day, depending on their needs. Each child has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and targets specific to the child are worked on. Children are also supported with pre/post teaching of key language and a wide range of visual resources are provided. Their progress is monitored closely and planning for their learning is adapted accordingly.
We liaise closely with other professionals including working in collaboration with members of the Cochlear Implant teams and we have links with the audiologist at the local hospital. A Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT) visits regularly to work with those who need support, and in addition, provides advice to Resourced Provision staff, who carry out speech and language activities with the children. We value working in partnership with parents and encourage regular dialogue through Home/School books for example; parents are always welcome to meet with Teachers of the Deaf at school.
For more information or to arrange a visit please contact the school:
Main school office: 01256 322616 Email:
Teachers of the Deaf: Mrs Russell and Mrs Brown
For more information, please refer to our Resourced Provision for Deaf Children Policy and Communication Policy.
Useful links: NDCS - National Deaf Children's Society
Deaf Role Model Day
The deaf children at Park View had an exciting day hosting primary and secondary resource provisions for a Deaf Role Model event arranged by our Deaf Instructors. They met lots of new deaf friends and took part in a variety of workshops with the visiting Deaf adults. They loved playing tennis with a player who represents UK Deaf tennis and learnt about different hair styles and techniques from a Deaf hairdresser. A Deaf sailor demonstrated knots and mapping skills and everyone enjoyed dancing along with a Deaf DJ. The highlight for many was trying on a special vibrating waistcoat that helped the wearer feel the rhythm of the music.
Park Walk
We walked to the local park to find examples of ‘pushes’ and ‘pulls’. We also found lots of signs of Spring, during our walk.