Year 3
Home Learning - Spring Term 2022
Please contact the school office if you need to borrow a school iPad for home learning.
Week Beginning 31st January 2022
Home Learning 2021
Spring Term 2 - Week 1 and 2
- Reading Comprehension - Monday 22nd February - Fairtrade.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Tuesday 23rd February - Pancake Day.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Wednesday 24th February - St. Valentine's Day.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Thursday 25th February - The History of Winnie-the-Pooh.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Friday 26th February - Castles.pdf
Project and Writing Journey
- English Learning Journey - Spring 2 Weeks 1 and 2.pdf
- The Roman Empire Learning Journey.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 1.pdf
- The Romans Empire Resource 2.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 3.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 4.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 5.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 6.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 7.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 8.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 9.pdf
- The Roman Empire Resource 10.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 8th February 2021 - Neil Armstrong.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 9th February 2021 - Shooting for the Stars.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 10th February 2021 - Yuri Garagin.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 11th February 2021 - Recycle Week.docx.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 12th February 2021 - The Titanic.pdf
- Maths - Monday 1st February - Missing Numbers.pdf
- Maths - Monday 1st February - Tens and Ones.pdf
- Maths - Tuesday 2nd February - Reading and Writing Numbers.pdf
- Maths - Tuesday 2nd Febraury - Writing Numbers.pdf
- Maths - Wednesday 3rd February - 10 More 10 Less.pdf
- Maths - Thursday 4th February - Less Than Greater Than.pdf
- Maths - Friday 5th February - Less Than Greater Than.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 1st February 2021 - My Dad the Superhero.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 2nd February 2021 - The Terrible Trip Up!.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 3rd February 2021 - The Bubbling Cauldron.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 4th February 2021- Lilly and the Tooth Fairy.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - 5th February 2021 - Tim Peake's Space Diary.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 1.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 2.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 3.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 4.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 5.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 6 - Bronze Age Round House.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 7.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain – Resource 8.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain – Resource 9.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain – Resource 10.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 11 Persuasive Techniques.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain – Resource 12.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 13.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain – Resource 14.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain – Resource 15.pdf
- Prehistoric Britain - Resource 16 Iron Age Quiz.pdf
Week 4
- Monday 25th January 2021 - Reading Comprehension - Malorie Blackman.pdf
- Tuesday 26th January 2021- Reading Comprehension - Oliver Twist.docx.pdf
- Wednesday 27th January 2021 - Reading Comprehension - Shirley Chisholm.pdf
- Thursday 28th January 2021- Reading Comprehension - Treasure Island.pdf
- Friday 29th January 20201 - Reading Comprehension - All About Winter.pdf
Week 3 Maths
- Maths - Monday 18th January - Shape Hunt.pdf
- Maths - Monday 18th January - 2D Properties of Shape.pdf
- Maths - Tuesday 19th January - Identifying 2D Shapes.pdf
- Maths - Tuesday 19th January - 2D Animals.pdf
- Maths - Wednesday 20th January - Naming 3D Shapes.pdf
- Maths - Thursday 21st January - Idenifying 3D Shapes.pdf
- Maths - Friday 22nd January - Angles.pdf
WEEK 3 Reading
- Reading Comprehension - Monday 18th January .pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Tuesday 19th January - A Tale of Two Feathers - Copy.docx.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Wednesday 20th January - Pythons.docx.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Thursday 21st January - All About Leopards.pdf
- Reading Comprehenson - Friday 22nd January - Plastic Pollution.pdf
- Week 3 Timetable challenges.pdf
- 1. Wk 3 HSG Daily Challenge_ Monday Hippie Jump.pdf
- 2. Wk3 HSG Daily Challenge_ Tuesday Horizontal Speed Climb.pdf
- 3. Wk 3 HSG Daily Challenge_ Wednesday Simon Says.pdf
- 4. Wk3 HSG Daily Challenge_ Thursday Karate.pdf
- 5. Wk3 HSG Daily Challenge Friday Freestyle Dance.pdf
- Maths - Monday 11th January - Adding Fractions.pdf
- Maths - Tuesday 12th January - Fractions of Numbers.pdf
- Maths - Wednesday 13th January - Fractions of Amounts.pdf
- Maths - Thursday 14th and Friday 15th January - Fraction Problems.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Monday 11th January - The Lion and the Mouse.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Tuesday 12th January - The Camping Trip.docx.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Wednesday 13th January - Ronald THE Rhino.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Thursday 14th January - The Bear Who Came to Babysit.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Friday 15th January - Amazing Antarctica.pdf
- Year 3 Timetable - Week 1.pdf
- 3 & 4 Mexico.pdf
- Maths - Monday 4th January - Matching Fraction and Shape.pdf
- Maths - Tuesday 5th January - Write the Fraction for the Shape .pdf
- Maths - Wednesday 6th January - Equivalent Fractions.pdf
- Maths - Thursday 7th January - Equivalent Fractions - Amounts.pdf
- Maths - Friday 8th January - Fraction Word Problems.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Wednesday 6th January 2021.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Thursday 7th January 2021.pdf
- Reading Comprehension - Friday 8th January 2021.pdf