British Values
British Values Across the Curriculum
British Values at Park View Primary
In accordance with The Department for Education guidance we aim to actively promote fundamental British values to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is "right" and "wrong", all people living in England are subject to its law.
Throughout our curriculum children are encouraged to debate topics of interest and make decisions about aspects of their learning. Through these opportunities pupils are taught how to express their views and how to listen carefully and respectfully to the views of others. We believe that pupils must develop these skills in order to be able to contribute as active and responsible participants in democratic decision -making.
Pupils make a meaningful contribution to the running of the school on matters that directly involve them through the School Council. School Councillors from every class are democratically elected after standing for election.
Pupils are regularly involved in democratic decision making in their own classes linked to daily class routines (for example, procedures for the management of classroom playground equipment to allow fair access for all pupils, choice of rewards, which class book to read). Through opportunities such as these pupils learn to understand that their opinion and ‘vote’ is important and also how to accept and co-operate with a decision that has been agreed by the majority but that they did not particularly support.
We discuss national elections with pupils and use these to highlight and teach children about electoral systems and democratic processes. We have a Gold UK Teacher Parliament Ambassador staff member.
The Rule Of Law
Our PSHE curriculum provides many opportunities for pupils to develop a good understanding of right and wrong through the moral choices and dilemmas presented to them. They also explore the consequences of choices.
Through the PE curriculum pupils are taught from very early on the importance of respecting rules to be a ‘good sport’.
Our behaviour expectations are high and staff explain the consequences of making positive or negative choices, especially how this impacts on other members of the school community.
Pupils create their own class code of conduct each year and understand the importance of a shared agreement to keep them safe. Pupils learn how to take collective responsibility for keeping rules through shared rewards.
The RE curriculum allows pupils to explore the role of laws and rules in a religious context.
Individual liberty
Through assemblies we teach pupils that every individual is unique, special and loved and free to have their own beliefs and opinions. Alongside this, we teach that individual liberties should not compromise the rights of others.
Pupils are taught how to make independent choices safely, for example through our PSHE and e-safety curriculum.
Alongside rules and laws, we promote freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express personal views and beliefs, giving pupils regular opportunities within our curriculum and provision to be able to do this. For example:
- Choosing tasks or learning activities, including how they might record or present their learning and who they might work or play with
- Choices in the extra-curricular activities children can participate in
- Being free to share their own thoughts during class discussions and debates
Through our RE and PSHE curriculum and assemblies we teach pupils about the beliefs and faiths of other people living in Britain and give them opportunities to develop and consider their own beliefs and opinions and make decisions about what is important to them.
All staff actively challenge any behaviour, attitudes or comments that compromise any person’s individual liberty to hold their own beliefs and our behaviour and anti-bullying policy set high standards in this for all members of our school.
Mutual respect for, and tolerance of, those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
We teach mutual respect and tolerance through our learning behaviours to treat others as you want to be treated.
Staff and pupils are encouraged to challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour and know and respect our very high behaviour expectations in relation to relationship with others.
Across all areas of the curriculum we teach teamwork, collaboration and co-operation based on mutual respect for all.
Through our PSHE curriculum pupils learn about their own identity, what makes them special and how everyone is different but equal.
Through the RE curriculum pupils learn about other religions .