Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
We have many wonderful topics and experiences for you this year. We hope you will enjoy them.
PE lessons will be on a Wednesday and Friday.
Please make sure you have full PE kit on both days. We encourage all children to keep kits in school for a half term.

Marshmallow toasting

DT day

Child led activities for 'Little Red'

Walk around South Ham - DT and Geography

Our art displayed during Harvest

World Mental Health Day
As part of the whole school day, we took part in relaxing and reflective activities.
We added our thought to the gra-tree-tude display and learnt the dance routine.
Follow the link below to see what we got up to.
Child lead learning

All about our bodies and how to keep them healthy


Science workshop at QMC

Click on the leaf below to see all the photos
When I Grow up Day

'When I grow up' day
Monday 9th September
Children are invited to come to school dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up.
Please click the document below to find out more about your time in Year one.