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Experience and Wonder


At Park View Primary we want the education of our children to be enhanced through trips, visitors and theme days. While these are often connected to our enquiry questions, we believe that they help develop our children's cultural awareness and holistic development.

Embedding our desire for a curriculum that balances knowledge and skills, and experience and wonder; enrichment opportunities also provide opportunities to deepen thinking around British Values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) development. 

Whole School Enrichment Events


Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2

McMillan Coffee Morning


Autumn Disco


Parliament Week


Anti-Bullying Week


Christmas Market


Safer Internet Day


Mental Health Week


Spring Disco


World Book Day


Equalities and Belonging Week


Easter Scavenger Hunt


Environment Week


Sports Day


Summer Fair



Planned Enrichment opportunities for each year group.

*These are provisional and might change.


Year GroupAutumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Year 1When I Grow Up DayLocal Area WalkMarwell Zoo Trip1666 Day Farnham Museum workshop
Year 2Woodland/Farm visitVictorian DaySea City Museum TripWalled Garden VisitRoyal Historic Palaces virtual visitFestival Day
Year 3Basingstoke town centre tripPrehistoric DayDanebury Hillfort tripPoland DayRomans Day with portals to the Past 
Year 4 Anglo-Saxon Day Viking Day with Historic Workshops Basing House Trip
Year 5Ancient Civilisations DayRiver TripFood TastingCarnival DayAncient Greek Day with Portals to the PastPlanetarium 
Year 6PGLBaghdad Market day   End of Year production


Monday 16th January, a small group of history enthusiasts from KS2 visited the archives at Magdalen College Oxford. Click below for more information.
