School Logo

School Uniform

At Park View Primary School we aim to have 100% of our pupils in school uniform.

Thank you for your support in this and please continue to ensure your child is in uniform.


The uniform can be with or without the school logo on.


Our School Uniform consists of:

  • Black or grey trousers or skirt
  • Navy polo shirt
  • Maroon sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Black sensible shoes or plain black trainers
  • In summer children may wear a red and white dress or black/grey shorts


For P.E. your child will need:

  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain maroon t-shirt
  • Trainers for outdoor P.E. sessions
  • Black or navy sweatshirt and jogging bottoms for colder days



Items with the school logo can be bought from


SkoolKit Ltd,

15 Church Street,


RG21 7QG    

Tel: 01256 817284

Please make sure every item of school uniform and PE kit is named.
