Terms of Reference
Park View Primary School
Terms of Reference for Full Governing Body and Committees
September 2023
This document is provided to outline the working structure for the Governing Body (GB) for the next school year. It is reviewed annually.
Constitution and Authority
- The GB is set up as referred to in the Instrument of Government dated 1st January 2018.
- The GB abides by the regulations laid down in the Education Act 2011, The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2016, The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, The School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009 and all associated Regulations, Guidance and Acts.
- All information received by the school is disseminated to the GB via the chair as relevant. Issues are discussed and decisions taken at Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings where minutes are recorded, approved and adopted following each meeting.
- A copy of the formal minutes from GB meetings are, once approved, kept in the head teacher’s office.
Agenda and Minutes of Governing Body Meetings
- A calendar of dates of all GB meetings is drawn up at the last FGB of the academic year for the coming year.
- Agendas are produced two weeks before the meeting, where possible, and circulated at least one week before meeting.
- Suggested agenda items should be logged via the clerk who will inform the chair.
- Relevant documents will be circulated with the agenda or as they become available.
- Minutes will be produced and circulated as soon as possible after a meeting.
Meeting Content
Each FGB meeting shall include the following;
- Head teacher’s report - given at each meeting, in writing once a term.
- Governor Training - governors are given the opportunity to discuss course content, value etc.
- Formal governor contact with the school – governor visit reports
- Reports from committees
Committees and their Reports
- Committee meeting dates are scheduled with the FGB meetings.
- Each committee shall elect at the first meeting of the autumn term, a chair and vice chair if deemed necessary, for the ensuing year.
- Each committee shall meet at least once a term unless otherwise instructed by the governing body.
- The agenda and any relevant papers will be distributed seven days’ notice before a meeting of a committee.
- Each meeting shall present written minutes to the next available meeting of the GB; and shall clearly indicate which matters (if any) have been resolved and which are recommended to the GB for approval.
- The chair of the GB is an ex officio member of every committee with voting rights.
- The head teacher has the right to attend every meeting of all committees.
- Membership is agreed at a FGB meeting.
- The quorum and other membership requirements, where applicable, are approved by the FGB.
- All committees may invite members of the school staff and/or others, as appropriate, to attend one or more meetings to provide advice or to contribute to discussion.
- Co-opted committee members and those “in attendance”, including the head teacher if not a member, have no voting rights.
- Each full member of a committee, including the head teacher (where a governor and a member of the committee) and the Chair of the GB, has a single vote.
- Each committee will include the obligation to consider the relevant parts of the School Improvement Plan
- Committees will be responsible for the maintenance and approval (or recommendation to the FGB if necessary) of any and all policies as delegated by the FGB.
Individual committees and usual subject matter
- To consider in detail the draft budget prepared to cover the ensuing financial year.
- To determine whether the proposed expenditure can be contained within the forecast allocation of funds to the school and any other funds available.
- To consider the proposed spread of expenditure.
- To present the draft budget for agreement at a FGB meeting.
- To monitor expenditure against the approved budget, using financial information provided by the school and the LA.
- To meet as necessary to discuss any marked divergence from the planned expenditure and recommend to the head teacher action to be taken to recover the situation. If this action involves a major revision of the budget, or the use of money earmarked for particular projects, then appropriate recommendations will be made to the FGB.
- Overall monitoring and costing of the School Improvement Plan.
- Review annually all policies as delegated to the committee.
- To approve revisions to the teaching staff structure and associated salary levels.
- To approve revisions to the non-teaching staff structure and associated salary levels.
- To consider, with the head teacher, the number of staff which should be employed to meet the needs of the school within the constraints of the available budget.
- To monitor the appointment of all staff below the level of deputy head teacher.
- To review, as necessary, the Local Authority’s Manual of Personnel Practice and make recommendations to the GB about such matters.
- To act on behalf of the GB in all matters of staff discipline and professional support.
- To act on behalf of the GB in respect of any grievance issues.
- To review the school’s Pay Policy and approve any special payments.
- To consider any representation from the staff representatives of any recognised trade union body.
- To complete the annual SFVS return.
- To draft and review annually a programme of planned maintenance of the building fabric, services and grounds and for replacement furniture and equipment.
- To consider the budgetary requirements for repair and maintenance.
- To advise the GB on improvements and alterations to the premises and, where appropriate, to organise estimates, consultants, contractors, etc. undertaking approved works.
- To monitor approved programmes and expenditure.
- To prepare for the approval of the GB a policy on Health and Safety with regard to matters included in the committee’s remit and to monitor such policy.
- To review the accident book each term.
- To review the Single Central Records each term.
Working Parties and Statutory Committees
- These meet as and when required.
- A meeting may be called by the FGB or the chair acting on behalf of the FGB
- A Chair will be elected at each sitting of the committee from those present.
- Quorum and other membership requirements where applicable, are listed in the committees’ terms of reference.
Pupil Discipline Committee
- To review any permanent exclusions made by the head teacher and decide whether to confirm the exclusion or to direct the reinstatement of the pupil.
- To consider any parental representations regarding pupil exclusions, preferably at the same time as the review of the decision to exclude.
- The chair of the committee to be authorised to confirm to the LA and the parents the formal decisions of the Committee in each case.
- To apply the HCC Model Disciplinary Procedure - Procedure for Hearings - as set out in the HCC Manual of Personnel Practice.
Appeals Committee
- To apply the HCC Model Disciplinary Procedure - Procedure for Hearings and Appeals Arrangements - in respect of staff as set out in the HCC Manual of Personnel Practice.
- To hear representations from staff regarding decisions by the Pay Committee.
- To hear appeals against dismissal on the grounds of capability or conduct.
- To hear appeals against selection for redundancy.
Performance Management
- To act on behalf of the FGB in carrying out the annual Performance Management Review and any interim reviews of the head teacher’s performance (collectively “the Head Teacher’s Performance Management Review”);
- To report at the first FGB meeting after the Head Teacher’s Performance Management Review in general terms (and in so far as permissible within the bounds of confidentiality).
- Following the annual Performance Management Review, to make recommendations as to any changes in the head teacher’s salary at the first meeting of the FGB following such review.
Pay Committee
- To act on behalf of the FGB in carrying out the annual pay and performance review of all teaching and non-teaching staff with the head teacher and where appropriate the Senior Leadership team.
- To report at the first FGB meeting after the review in general terms (and in so far as permissible within the bounds of confidentiality).
The Governing Body delegates to the Head Teacher:
- Operational day to day management of the school
- the appointment of all teaching and support staff below the level of Deputy Head Teacher, within the present staffing structure, whilst reserving the right for a governor to be involved in interviewing panels
- decisions on the remission of charges whilst reserving the right to hear appeals from parents on such decisions
- management of the budget and alterations to the budget, including virements, which do not exceed £5,000 and which neither increase nor decrease total net expenditure.
- the power to spend up to £5,000 on purchases in accordance with existing budget plans which have been discussed at a governors meeting. The head teacher will report to the next FGB on any such expenditure.
- in principle, the authority to make contract renewal, termination and dismissal decisions in accordance with the Manual of Personnel Practice although acknowledging that there may be instances where delegation of specific dismissals is not appropriate
The Governing Body delegates to the Resources Committee:
- the ability to vire between the major heads of expenditure
- the responsibility to consider individual items of non-staffing expenditure not exceeding £5,000 except where these have been specifically agreed by the GB as part of its approval of the budget for the year.
- revisions to the teaching and non-teaching staff structures and salary levels associated therewith
- all matters of staff discipline, professional support and grievance
Next Review Date: September 2023