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Year 2

Home Learning - Spring Term 2022

Please contact the school office if you need to borrow a school iPad for home learning.


Home Learning 2021

Hi everyone,


Well done on all your hard work this week. We have loved seeing your finished work on Seesaw - It's great that you're concentrating so hard at home. All the Year 2 team are so proud of each and every one of you.

We are all so excited to see you back at school next week!


We are celebrating World Book Day on Thursday and we can't wait to see your masks on the 1.30pm Zoom call on Thursday


Mrs Ferrin and Mr Dale

Hi boys and girls, 


We hope you had a lovely half term and feel well and truly rested. Did you get outside and enjoy the ever changing weather? Mr Dale and I are looking forward to hearing what you got up to in the half term, on our zoom meeting with you all on Tuesday at 1.30pm. 

We hope you enjoy our new topic which is based on different countries and their cultures. We can't wait to hear what you have learnt and also created within this topic. 


We miss you all and look forward to seeing you all again soon 


Mrs Ferrin and Mr Dale 

Hi Everyone, 


We hope you're well. We are so proud of you all working so hard and we hope you're enjoying the Titanic Project. You have all worked so incredibly hard this half term and we want to say a huge, 'well done!'. 

This Friday you have the opportunity to take part in Chinese New Year based learning with the booklet for this attached.


Take care of yourselves and keep being 'fabulous' and 'wonderful' 


Mrs Ferrin and Mr Dale

Hi boys and girls, 


We hope that you're all well and working hard. Are you enjoying learning about The Titanic? It has been wonderful to see all of your hard work on Seesaw and we couldn't be prouder of you all. We are also really enjoying our 2 x weekly zoom meetings, it has been so rewarding seeing your smiley faces. 


This week we start a new English learning journey, both Mr Dale and I really enjoy this text and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. 


Please keep posting work, messages and pictures on Seesaw as we love seeing it all. 


The Year 2 team  

Below is the cover page for our Chinese New Year based learning for Friday 12th February. 


There are lots of fun activities planned for this day, so we thought we would give you time to prepare resources. Have a look through the over view of the day and pick which activities you and your family would like to do. More in-depth planning will be shared next week. 

Chinese New Year Cover Page

Hi Year 2! 


How are you all? Mr Dale and I have loved hearing all about your learning on SeeSaw and also seeing all the pictures of your Titanic's. We really hope you're enjoying this topic, it is both of our favourite topic to teach. So many interesting facts to learn about. 


We enjoyed seeing some of you on our zoom call on Thursday afternoon. If you didn't manage to attend then come and join every Tuesday and Thursday at 1.30pm. It will be great to see your smiling faces. 


We miss you and are so very proud of you 


The Year 2 team 


Week 3 Monday 18th January- Friday 22nd January

Hi boys and girls 


All the Year 2 team have really enjoyed seeing all of your hard work, thank you for keeping us posted. 

We have loved seeing all your work based around dragons- the masks, the stories and the dragon food!


If you haven't tried it out yet- try out the Seesaw app ( this allows you to share work with either Mr Dale or Mrs Ferrin) 


Our new project based learning this week will be all about 'The Titanic'. We can't wait to hear what you have learnt and also we look forward to seeing your Titanic creations. 


Take care of yourselves


The Year 2 team 

Week 2 Monday 11th January- Friday 15th January

Hello boys and girls, 


We are so proud of you working so hard at home and Mr Dale and Mrs Ferrin have really enjoyed receiving pictures of the work you have been doing at home. Another big 'Well Done' to all the parents and carers who are working incredibly hard. 

It is getting very cold, isn't it? Perhaps you and your bubble could go for a winter walk and write down all the different wildlife you see. We have done that at school and we saw 4 grey squirrels, 3 birds nests and 2 crows. 


Please don't hesitate to ask if we can help with anything.


The Year 2 Team. 

Week 1 Wednesday 6th January- Friday 8th January

Hi everyone, 


We just wanted you all to know how very proud we are of all of you and how resilient you are all being. 


We hope you enjoy the home learning tasks and we can't wait to see what you have been learning and creating at home. 


If you have any questions or concerns about the learning which has been set then please don't hesitate to get in touch via the school office. 


We miss you all. 


Home learning set: 

If you find the work in black tricky, try the task in blue and write it in your orange book.  If you would like a challenge then try the task in red.

* Remember to use Reading Eggs throughout the week and don’t forget there is also a Reading Eggs Library with lots of books to enjoy as well as MyMaths!


The Year 2 team
