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Sport Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


PE & Sports Premium Report


This statement details how we plan to use our school’s Sports Premium funding for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.


Physical activity has numerous benefits for children and young people’s physical health, as well as their mental wellbeing. Physical activity helps to increase self-esteem and emotional wellbeing, and lower anxiety and depression. Children who are physically active are happier, more resilient and more trusting of their peers.

Pupils accessing sufficient daily activity can also have wider benefits for pupils and schools, improving behaviour and enhancing academic achievement.


School Overview

Our core objectives are:

  • To encourage all pupils to be active
  • To raise participation in sport within school for all pupils
  • To help children who show an interest in sport get into sporting teams outside of school
  • To promote sport values through all activities: conduct, participation, passion, respect, teamwork, determination, self-belief and honesty
  • To support good emotional wellbeing through targeted activity
  • To promote healthy lifestyle such as eating choices, and why it is beneficial to move our bodies with physical education



Funding overview



Total budget for 2024/2025 Academic year



We have used the sports premium funding to allow long-term sustainability in sports provision to improve the quality of Physical Education for all children in our school. We employ a full-time sports coach to work with children both in PE lessons and in extra-curricular sports activities. A proportion of our PE funding also goes on high end equipment so that our children can get the most out of their PE lessons and develop their skills to the highest ability.


Teacher Development and Training

Having a fully qualified sports coach allows opportunities for upskilling our staff through CPD support, to ensure high quality delivery of PE sessions. All pupils receive two 45-minute PE lessons a week. One is taught by the class teacher and the other by the sports coach.


Teachers are observed by the sports coach and PE co-ordinator on a termly basis to check that skills are being taught effectively and progression is being made. Additional development and CPD sessions run after school and during staff meetings to show new skills, techniques and lesson plan ideas when required. This is also where knowledge and new correct coaching practice, learnt from courses attended by the coach, are passed on to the rest of the school.


School PE Curriculum

Our PE co-ordinator (a teacher at the school) regularly liaises with the sports coach to develop the planning, teaching and assessment of PE to ensure there is a strong PE curriculum. The PE curriculum starts in Early Years and flows through all year groups up to Year 6. There is a clear progression of skills throughout each year group, shown through assessment grids completed each half term for each sport. This gives a clear understanding of which children are below, on target or exceeding expectations for PE for every sport we teach.


Nursery - Introduction to basic sports to introduce the children to sports and PE before they arrive in Year R.

Year R – FUNdamentals of movement, basic ball skills, dance and gymnastics

Year 1 -6 – Football, tag rugby, hockey, netball/basketball, rounders/scatterball, athletics, dance and gymnastics


Swimming lessons are provided in the Autumn Term at the local swimming pool for each child in Year 5.


Extra-Curricular Sports

A wide range of after school clubs are available such as multi-sports, football, tag rugby, fencing and ultimate Frisbee. These free sports clubs are held four times a week and are run by our sports coach. Additional sporting events are held regularly throughout the school year. Regular inter school competitions involve all pupils from Years 1 to 6. We have implemented an inter school sports competition system from Years 1 to 6 that group all children and siblings into one of four teams (Blue, Red, Green and Orange). At the end of every half term, all children take part in mini tournaments scoring points for their teams, with one winning team scoring the most points overall at the end of the school year.


Over the last couple of years, we have entered into multiple competitive competitions with pupils attending over 100 different sporting fixtures in the year 2023-2024, with a mixture of sports such as football, rugby, netball, basketball, badminton, hockey and sports hall athletics. Many of these resulted in 1st / 2nd / 3rd places, moving onto county cup competitions. At Park View we allow all pupils to have multiple access to sport. We have a girl’s football and rugby team, as well as a boys football and rugby team and mixed teams of girls and boys in other sports listed above. We are fully inclusive and ensure there is extra adult support if needed to support pupils with SEN, including BSL communicators for pupils who attend our resourced provision for the deaf.


Importantly, we don’t only offer competitive competitions at Park View. We have also attended fun activities which allow children, who don’t usually participate in sport outside of school, a chance to take part and see if there are any sports they enjoy when the competitive side is taken away. This has included the Hampshire School Games and KS1 Multiskills Festivals.


PE Ambassadors and Sports Captains

At Park View we have trained Pupil PE Ambassadors and Sports Captains. These children are trained by either the sports coach or Basingstoke’s SGO. They help the children enhance their knowledge of games they can lead for other children to play during break and lunchtime in school. In these roles, the children also learn to coach and support PE Staff when hosting tournaments and sports matches involving other visiting schools. It gives them confidence and a sense of responsibility which then helps them to pass on the skills they have learnt to other children.


Work Experience

Our sports coach offers opportunities for college and university students to complete work experience and teaching practice placements; gaining further knowledge of PE teaching by teaching lessons alongside the coach. When the students feel confident enough and have enough experience, the sports coach observes them teaching sports and PE, allowing them to get an idea of what it is like to coach young children and see if it is the right job for them. The sports coach will then give positive feedback on what they did well and next steps for their development.


