Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC)
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
We do this by providing a broad and balanced and stimulating curriculum within which we promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities that life in modern Britain offers.
As a school we have agreed ‘working definitions’ for each area of our SMSC curriculum to enable us to have a better shared understanding of these areas and to make them more accessible to children:
- Spiritual development: Exploring the mysteries of life and the WOW moments that we all come across
- Moral development: Recognising the difference between right and wrong
- Social development: Getting along with each other
- Cultural development: Appreciating what shapes our communities
How do we develop SMSC at Park View?
At Park View we understand that many of the SMSC tasks and activities overlap so it is delivered through daily life within the school.
- Assemblies that promote, discuss and explore different values
- Our behaviour policy celebrates children’s achievements
- Broad, rich taught curriculum including RE and PSHE
- Fundraising events and links with the local community
- Children vote for, and are encouraged to take on a variety of additional responsibilities (e.g. Pupil Governors, sports captains)
- Educational visits and visitors
- ELSA and Family Support Worker
- Weekly whole school debating question
- Debate and discussion opportunities to develop pupil voice
- Theme days
- Park View Learner award