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Pupil Governors

Pupil Governor Elections


Our class pupil governors are selected through secret ballot.

Children nominate themselves based on the job description. A short list of 4 children per class is created.

All children vote for who will be the Pupil Governor for their class.


We use the poling booths and ballot boxes from the Council so the children become familiar with how voting works in the UK. 

In addition to the elected Pupil Governors, we have appointed Pupil Governors. These children are selected because they offer different perspectives and voices about life at Park View. These children include representative from different cultural and religious communities, SEND children, looked after children and young carers. 

Our Pupil Governors

Pupil Governors 2023-24

The Pupil Governors this year contributed to ideas for Belonging Week and how to make the Curriculum more inclusive of the children in our school.

They also had a focus of trying to reduce our schools contribution to climate change. Due to their initiatives, the school will have an Eco Lead Teacher from September 2024 and we were award The Woodland Trust's Green Tree Schools Bronze Award. 

London and the Houses of Parliament Visit

Most of our Year 5 and 6 Pupil Governors were invited to visit the Houses of Parliament.

Joining Mrs Owens, Mrs Norman and Mrs Brookes, the children took a relaxed walking tour of some of the London landmarks; followed by lunch sat in Parliament square. During the afternoon, the children took a tour of the Houses of Parliament and joined in with a Debating and Laws Workshop, led by the UK Parliament Education team. 

UK Parliament Week 2023


Our Year 5 and 6 Pupil Governors joined children from 8 other Basingstoke schools at the Council Chamber. 

The children led a question and answer session for some councillors and Maria Miller MP, followed by planning and holding a debate about School uniforms. 

In school, each year group had lessons about Parliament, how it works and how we can be involved. 

As a school we voted on an issue we wanted to campaign for. We choose making BSL an option for languages and we set up a petition. 

Pupil Governors 2021-2022


Park View Pupil Governors make a Difference to their Community


Pupil Governors at Park View Primary School voted to raise funds to buy a defibrillator to be placed in the school for the benefit of their local community.  They have worked tirelessly to achieve more than £1,300 since September.  Through a variety of of fundraising activities including a Lego competition, toy sale and a Jubilee cake decorating competition, they have been instrumental in leading fundraising efforts. In addition to the purchase of the defibrillator they have also been able to contribute to Comic Relief , Ukraine crisis and the purchase waterproof medical bags.
