Year 1
Home Learning - Spring Term 2022
Please contact the school office if you need to borrow a school iPad for home learning
Friday 18th February 2022
Week Beginning 7th February 2022
Week Beginning 31st January 2022
Week Beginning 24th January 2022
Home Learning 2021
Week 2 Monday 1st March- Friday 5th March
How many shapes did you find last week? We found shapes everywhere - even in different leaves on the playground. This week we are going to have fun making sandwiches in our DT lessons, many of us wrote our instructions for a sandwich a couple of weeks ago in our computing lessons so we can enjoy making these the best sandwiches we can ready for the Queens tea party! What is your favourite sandwich? We have really enjoyed seeing what you get up to on Seesaw - thank you and to your parents for joining us on zoom and the photos you send into us. We are missing you a lot and look forward to seeing you soon.
Mrs Roberts and Mrs Fay.
Week 1 Monday 22nd February- Friday 26th February
Hello everyone! Hope you had a wonderful half term. This week we will be looking at different shapes around the house and when we go for a walk - how many different ones will you be able to name. We will be continuing with the Queen and the travels of her hat - what adventures would your hat go to? Have a lovely week - it's not going to be long before we are all back together again.
Mrs Roberts and Mrs Fay
Week 6 Monday 8th February- Friday 12th February
Hi everyone - hope you are all well. We have enjoyed seeing you on zoom doing our scavenger hunt and bingo. Your Tudor houses look amazing - thank you for posting them on Seesaw, you have put a lot of effort into it. Well done to those doing Reading eggs and MyMaths too - we are check this regularly. Having written your diary and been living in 1666 we are going to be transported back to 2021 next week with a new English journey. Something exciting to look forward to. Have a great week and look forward to seeing you on zoom next week.
Mrs Roberts and Mrs Fay
Week 5 Monday 1st February- Friday 5th February
Hello Rabbits and Otters, we have had another super week and we have really enjoyed seeing the photos and videos of the work you have been doing at home on Seesaw. Please keep them going. It is also lovely to see you on zoom so we can all be together. On Monday we will be making our Tudor houses and look forward to seeing what materials you have used to make yours. We have given you two weeks work this time so this will take you right up to the half term holiday. There is also another phonics book at the school ready for you to collect. Have fun. Mrs Roberts and Mrs Fay
Below is the cover page for our Chinese New Year based learning for Friday 12th February.
There are lots of fun activities planned for this day, so we thought we would give you time to prepare resources. Have a look through the over view of the day and pick which activities you and your family would like to do. More in-depth planning will be shared next week.
Chinese New Year Cover Page
Week 4 Monday 25th January- Friday 29th January
Hi Rabbits and Otters - What a fantastic week we have had. Our 1666 day was so exciting and it is lovely to see so many of you have dressed up at home too. We are so impressed with all the work that you are sending us on Seesaw - keep it up, we are really proud of you. It was also lovely to see so many of you on Zoom this week. If you were not able to this week, we will see you on Tuesday at 11.30.
Week 3 Monday 18th January- Friday 22nd January
Hello Year 1s - WOW what a colourful week we have had! We have really enjoyed completing our dragon activities and making masks, footprints, dancing and dragon treats. Next week we start our new project 'The Great Fire of London'. We have put all the work together in a pack so if you cannot access it on the website please come up to the office where you will be given a paper copy of the work. All the work you do can be sent to us using SeeSaw and we will print it out and put in in your books so you will be able to continue your learning journey when you return to school. We look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw. Have a good week.
Mrs Roberts and Mrs Fay
Week 2 Monday 11th January- Friday 15th January
Hello Rabbits and Otters,
How has your week been? Last week we had lots of fun making our own numberlines in maths and then using them to help us with our learning. We also enjoyed making our dragon footprints and puppets they really helped us make our report. We had firey eyes, scaly bodies and bony tails. What was your dragon like? Maybe you could ask your adult to send us a photograph of yours?
Have a great week and we hope to be speaking to many of you soon.
Mrs Roberts and Mrs Fay
Week 1 Wednesday 6th January - Friday 8th January
Hi everyone,
We hope you had a super Christmas. We have got lots of exciting things for you to try at home during the next few weeks and look forward to seeing what you have done when we see each other. Mrs Fay and Mrs Roberts were so looking forward to seeing you however we know that it will not be long before we are all back together again. We cannot wait to see your work so that we will be able to move your cars around the track. Take care.