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Year 5


PE Lessons Spring and Summer Terms

PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday, please make sure you have your full PE kit in school on those days.

Ancient Greece Day

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For more photos from our Greek Day, click the leaf below.

Presentations about the three elements of Athenian Democracy

Summer Term 1

Science - light and making shadows

Carnival day


At the start of the second half of the term, Year 5 has a carnival day. We dressed in bright colours, performed our salsa dances and held a parade around the school.

Click on the lead below for more photos.

Science sound - exploring with pitch and volume

Spring Term

PE Lessons - Autumn Term

Please make sure you have your PE kit in school everyday. Our PE lesson with Mr Apps will be on a Tuesday.

We will be swimming on Monday mornings please bring your clean kit to school, including a swimming cap

Christmas Extravaganza


As the Year 5's has missed out on 2 years of Christmas activities and celebrations, the team decided to hold a social evening for families. the children shared their work, had hot chocolate and sang for the parents. 


Still image for this video

Computing: We are Cryptographer - using semaphore

Science experiment - impact of exercise of the circulatory system

Exploring Ancient Egyptian burial items

Ancient Civilisation Day

Using reproduction artefacts and photos of archaeological discovers, we learnt about life and death in Ancient Sumer (modern-day Middle East), Ancient Indus Valley (India/Pakistan), Shang Dynasty (China) and Ancient Egypt.

We looked at the development of writing and its uses; items used for cooking and eating; use of bronze; and the objects people were buried with. 

Upcoming event - Ancient Civilisation Day

Wednesday 7th September 2022

A day to launch our first topic, please see the letter below.
